Allegan Rally - July 14~17, 2016 
POW-MIA Dedication

The Bible represents the strength gained through faith.
The Candle symbolizes the frailty of a prisoner alone.
The Black Ribbon symbolizes those who will not be coming home.
The Rose reminds us of the loved ones of our comrades in arms.
The White Napkin is for the broken the hearts of family and friends.
The Lemon reminds us of their bitter fate if we do not bring them home.
The Salt is symbolic of the family's tears.
The inverted Wine Glass reminds us our comrades cannot be with us.
The faded photo is a reminder that they are missed very much.
The empty chair depicts an unknown face of a soldier, sailor, or airman.
The POW/MIA flag mourns the fact our comrades will not be returning.

God bless our fallen and missing comrades

Setting Up...
Stuffing the Welcome Bags...
A Little Free Time...
Military Salute